www.zupermia.com is shutting down [An April Fool's Post]

Six or seven years ago, I started blogging for the reason of expressing myself and practicing my writing.

Today, I regret to inform you that I will be closing this site permanently due to the demands of my current work. I previously left my content developing job in a book publishing company and accepted a web marketing job. It was a more demanding and challenging job than my previous work that’s why I cannot keep, write, update and maintain this site anymore.

If you have re-blogged any post, file or image, please take this opportunity to download them before April 1, 2011, 11:59pm, after the said date and time the site will be suspended.

I would like to give a warm thank you to all of you who have been part of the zupermia.com. We have built this site together, I write the posts but you my readers and followers gave the life to every post read. Your support has had a meaningful impact for me and this site.

love, now and always, 


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