SMART's TGIFreeday!

Exclusive for all Smart Buddy, Smart Gold, Infinity and Talk N Text subscribers, Smart, Philippines' leading wireless services provider with 43.2 million subscribers as of March 2010, offers a one-day unlimited mobile internet services for FREE. Yupsy doodles, you read that right! No charges in visiting ALL internet sites using your mobile phone for a day.

T.G.I.Freeday will start from 12:00 am of July 30, until 11:59pm of the same day.

For more information: visit SMART

Or just read the FAQs HERE!

Q: WHAT IS T.G.I.Freeday?
A: Its Smart’s one-day offer for all Smart MOBILE subscribers to enjoy using mobile internet services for FREE. That means there are no charges to visit all internet sites using your mobile phone.

Q: Who can avail of this?
A: All Smart Buddy, Smart Gold, Infinity and Talk N Text users can enjoy the service. Those using blackberry handsets (except corporate accounts) can also avail of T.G.I.Freeday :)

Q: When is T.G.I.Freeday available?
A: T.G.I.Freeday will start from 12:00 am of July 30, until 11:59pm of the same day. If you start browsing at 10pm, you only have 11:59 pm to enjoy free mobile internet.

Q: Do I need to register?
A: No registration needed. Just open your web browser, your Uzzap or GoMail application and go!

Q: Is there a special keyword or URL to visit?
A: No need to key in a keyword or a URL to use mobile internet. For as long as you have a data capable handset, you can do mobile surfing all your want. To get more information, text FREEDAY and send to 211.

Q: I don’t know how to use mobile internet. What’s the first thing I do?
A: You need to configure your 3G settings. Text SET send to 211 to get your 3G configuration for FREE. Save the configuration and then launch your mobile web browser to start browsing. As simple as that.

Q: Can I use 2G to browse the internet?
A: Yes you can. But for a faster and better experience, it is suggested that you take advantage of Smart’s nation widest coverage by using Smart’s superior 3G, HSPA, HSDPA network.

Q: I want to avail of a daily surfing package on Friday. Will this be allowed?
A: No. You will receive an SMS notification that today is a free day and that you will be able to use the service you wish to avail unlimited for the entire day.

Q: Will I be allowed to avail weekly and monthly package of the data services that I register to?
A: Subscribers can still avail of weekly and monthly packages every Friday but they will be reminded of T.G.I.Freeday Promo and they have to confirm their purchase before transaction is completed.

Q: I have a weekly/ monthly package. Will I be given additional 1 day extension as a result of T.G.I.Freeday?
A: Subscribers with current weekly and monthly packages that traverse on a Friday will not be given extra one day as a result of the free day Friday. The existing validity of their availed package will be retained.

Q: Is there a limit as to the number of services that I can avail for free?
A: For as long as subscribers have a data capable handset, there is no limit as to how many services subscribers can avail of for free.

Q: Is there a minimum maintaining balance?
A: Prepaid subscribers should have minimum balance of P1 to avail of the free services

Q: What if I browse after 11:59pm of Friday?
A: Should subscriber continue to browse even after 11:59pm, default charging P10/30 will commence and transactional fees for chat services will apply.

Q: What are the sites that I can access?
A: You can access all the sites that you want. All the Web Unli Sites offered currently at P20 per day by Smart will be FREE on TGIFreeday!

Q: Are downloading and video streaming also free of charge?
A: No. Any site that you visit that normally charges for downloading or streaming content will charge your account accordingly

Examples of WEBSITES you can browse on mobile

  • Facebook

  • Friendster

  • Multiply

  • Twitter

  • Plurk

  • EYP

  • Inq7

  • Wikipedia

  • Flickr

  • Photobucket

  • Ebay

  • TMZ

  • Cosmopolitan

  • NBA

  • ESPN

  • BBC

  • Amazon

Q: I don’t have a mobile internet capable phone. How can I participate in the promo?
A: In order to browse the web using your phone, you must have at the least a GPRS handset. To find out the most affordable handset offers Smart has to offer, simply go to the Smart shop, However, you can still participate in T.G.I.Freeday because Go Mail can be done even with a non-internet capable handset. All you have to do is text MAIL and send to 7077. You will receive a notification message on how to register your email and receive and send email through your phone without having to connect to the internet.

Q: Is this open to Smart BRO prepaid or postpaid subscribers?
A: Nope :) This is just for MOBILE CELLPHONE users

Try this once in a lifetime offer from Smart...

But wait... could this be really just once? or for a LIFETIME? My spider sense is tingling... Something's hidden.... I bet it's part of the marketing strategy of Smart. Sure, this will blow up their subscribers in a day!

Or this might be like a beta test if ever Smart goes Unli web for all? Whatchathink?

More updates: My review in using SMART's TGIFreeday!

love, now and always,


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