Will Tablets replace Newspapers?

With the emergence of technology, do you think traditional Newspapers will still exist in the next 20 years? With the popularity of tablet computers where Digital Versions of newspapers are published, do you think the people of today’s generation will still patronize the printed newspapers? Anything could happen even in the next 5 years and only the newspaper readers can dictate the death of the traditional newspapers.

Tablet computers are marketed as electronic alternatives to newspapers, books and other paper products. Most of the tablets appeal to the technology dependent users. This generation said to prefer the tablets for its portability that it allows the user to use in while lying in bed, standing or walking.

Modern learners and educators prefer the tablet that they don’t have to bring big bulk of books for research. The tablet can display more précised images and diagrams, mathematical notations and symbols. To the environmentalists they embrace to tablet era for a step to a paperless world that saves a lot of trees.

Experts predicted that newspapers will start to vanish as early as 2009 to give way to the electronic online versions of the paper. But, we are now two years pass 2009 and the whole world still prints the traditional newspaper.

“Will the tablet replace newspapers?” is still a big question to the ever changing world. What if newspaper readers, suddenly adapted to the Tablet technology, deciding they don’t need the papers anymore — that they’ve got the paper, in almost-paper-like form right in front of them, more environmentally friendly and updating throughout the day?

One day soon, maybe in five years, or 10 years, or 20 years the world will publish its last newspaper. Rotary dial phones, typewriters, horses for transportations or beepers, were replaced with the better things we have now, newspapers will be replaced with tablets but not too soon.

love, now and always, 


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