Love Changes You

In life, you don’t need to explain how much you love the person. It depends on them how they appreciate the efforts that you do for them to be contented. But what if it isn’t enough for him/her? Will you still be bother looking for the same person who never took the trouble to love you, the way you wanted him/her to move?
Contentment is not always the fulfilment of what you want. It’s the realization of how blessed you are for what you already have. When it comes to love don’t make any compromises, because you don’t know what next that would only make sense for the both of you. And better things left unsaid, for it is where everyone won’t get hurt and will be at peace.

It was a story of a guy who spend his life nothing but only with his friends around him. And met this pretty lady, that turns his normal life into an extraordinary one, but suddenly she breaks and turn again these guy’s extraordinary back to normal. As what normally happens with a two person romantically introduced, spend time to get to know each other, until their little sweet conversation turns into something sweeter than friends. Then they compromise with each other, things between them turns into higher level of love. And suddenly turns into complication.
All we have to do is understand that we’re all here for a reason and to commit ourselves to that. Then we can laugh at our sufferings, large and small, walk fearlessly aware that each step has a meaning. Things happen because we choose to. There may be regrets but blaming is not an option. We are where we are, because we brought ourselves to that. We get happy, we get sad, but most importantly, we learned.

Love conquers all, they say. So they try to fix their complication, and each day he tries and his way back is getting harder. He thinks of giving up, because he runs out of reasons to stay. He knows he needs to stop and let go. Then things turned back again, he win his girl’s love… But, this girl is still looking for something she can’t find with this guy, so she looks around.

The person you love the most has the best capacity to make you feel the happiest person in the world and may give you the worst feeling you can’t ever imagine. One very hard thing in life is when you know inside your heart that you love the person but you run out of reasons to fight for what you feel.
And love without knowledge wouldn’t be enough to have a long-lasting relationship, so the guy decided to let go his beloved girl. After 2 years of sweetness and 3 years of complication, he figured, his love wasn’t really meant for the girl he chooses to love. You can’t measure the love, the way you can measure the height of a building.

Love will just tire you down, until nothing is left with you. And will change you, until there is nothing left of the person you used to be. We have to live by our own rules, but if you fall in love and let it into your heart, then you have to live by his/her rules. You have to give up, control over your life for his/her. First, he will change the little things. Second your stuffs, clothes, and friends. And third, still it’s not enough. That is the reality, a sad reality, because we know nothing what true love is… Two people with a wrong mind set of love enters into a relationship, is a chaos. And I will show you the most excellent way…. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. 1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us.”

love, now and always,


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