Of Ten Things

I don't have a favorite number. But if I should choose one I'll go for number 10. One, it's easy to remember and two the tenth letter in the alphabet is J--the first letter of my name.

Today is 10-10-10, The Tenth Day Of The Tenth Month Of The Tenth Year Of The Decade... I should have for this day... got married, bought a new car or a house, adopted a pet, spent the day with an orphanage or something. Kidding aside, I should've bought a plane ticket and spent the day with you...!

Ten Things to be Thankful:
  1. I'm still alive
  2. I'm living a peaceful life
  3. I have a job [not the one that I really like thought but it still supports me]
  4. I passed UP again [FYI, I passed 3 years ago but wasn't able to really enroll]
  5. My mom's operation is successful [Thanks God!]
  6. My brother is back in our family [The bitch is gone... Yes! I can say that it's my blog! RIGHT?!]
  7. Marco, Julianne, Tito Pogs and Tita Irma visited us [and we'll be visiting them soon... hello USA]
  8. My knee is not aching so much anymore [but I still have to visit the doctor for final check ups] 
  9. I don't have any debts
  10. I have a clear goal of what I want.

Ten things to look forward:
  1. Grad school
  2. FilmFest Competition Level Up! Live
  3. Halloween, Christmas, New Year
  4. Holidays
  5. Reunion with my MF friends
  6. Family out of town[probably somewhere far... CEBU? BOHOL? BORA?]
  7. Wearing heels again[after the accident]
  8. Shopping [when's the last time i bought something for myself.. for myself only]
  9. E.L.F. 100+ eye shadow palette will be out in the market next month
  10. My Christmas for a cause project.

Ten Things to Achieve/Learn:
  1. Play chess
  2. Swim good
  3. Ride a bike
  4. Finish my MA
  5. Transfer to a new job[that's really right for my course]
  6. Take Image Nation workshop
  7. Join lots of  Writing competitions
  8. Give more time to family
  9. Give myself a "Me" time
  10. Update my Journal regularly

Ten Things to Stop:
  1. Sleeping late
  2. Ignoring txt messages
  3. Spending too much  
  4. Cursing people
  5. Hating _______.
  6. Being nice to not so nice people
  7. Giving out my fake smile
  8. Skipping Doctor appointments 
  9. Skipping Breakfast
  10. Acting like an evil person... [it was fun when people look at me differently, though]

love, now and always, 


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