Tricking and Treating

Halloween is one of the anticipated time of the year in every Filipino Family. It’s the time where most of the relatives reunite against their busy schedules and plan the coming Christmas holiday.

I never cherished the time of Halloween when I was younger. I may have enjoyed it but only for the food, the candle ball making in the cemetery and the no class day. It’s only now that I truly appreciate the non-working holiday. It's a day break from the busy streets and congested area of Metro Manila.

The air here in the province is very refreshing. Being with the whole family is very heartwarming. It prepares me new positive energies when I'm back to the battlefield of my workplace. We may have a little heart problem drama c/o of my brother and his [bitch] ex but everything is still relaxing and truly a memory to cherish. 

I will be spending half of the day at the cemetery. Spending the day there brings back a lot of memories... especially those sad memories of my loved ones burial/interment. The pains are back and the next was a tear falling down my cheeks.

Originally, this post was supposed to be about how a Filipino family spends the All Soul's  Day and Halloween. But it ended up another emo post. But when I think about it... thinking about the memories of the departed loved ones and feeling sad that they can't be here with us anymore, no matter how long we spend the whole day at the cemetery... is how a true Filipino should dedicate a special day for the Soul. 

Happy All Souls Day! 
All souls are SAINTS!
Happy All Saints Day!

love, now and always, 


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