Twitter Charms
Founded Jack Dorsey and Evan Wiliams with Biz Stone, Twitter from 20,000 tweets per day last 2006, it grown to 60,000 in only a matter of year. From the little bird, Twitter truly flown into a BIG BIG BIG bird with 65 million tweets posted every single day.
I love twitter. Who hates Twitter, BTW. Not a lot of people are following me though, but I still love it. Tweeting is like summarizing a whole novel into 140 characters, blogging in 140 letters way, writing in 140 strokes… short but real, short but sweet.
A Better Twitter
Last September, Twitter officials introduced a new re-engineered, that provides easier, faster and richer experience still fitting into 140 characters or less. There might be a lot of changes but one thing remains: you will get a lot in a little.
Meet the New Twitter
The site now presents @Mentions, Retweets, Searches, and Lists just above the timeline – giving a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen.
The right of the screen displays who you recently followed and who recently followed you, your favorite tweets, Trending Topics, who to follow suggestions, and the random twitter terms dictionary.
140 or less is short but supported with media it can create a revolution. The new offers an easier way to embed photos and videos. With their partnership with DailyBooth, DeviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube, photos and videos can now be posted directly in every tweet.
It used to be this way: When you scroll down the bottom, you need to click MORE to view additional Tweets. Now: Experience the infinite scroll. Scroll down the bottom of the page and it will bring up the older tweets endlessly, unless you reached the very first tweet.
When you click a Tweet, the details pane shows additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet’s content, you may see: replies, other Tweets by that user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more.
Click a username to see a mini profile without navigating from the page, which provides quick access to account information, including bio and recent Tweets.
The new Twitter is still on its beta/preview version. In the next several weeks, only a small percentage of lucky registered accounts will be able to try out the beta of the new twitter. Too bad, not all twitter users can try it out.
Twitter Facts:
My very 1st tweet:
My very first tweet says: "ILOVEYOUALL!" <3 ^_^ - Jan 4
My very 1st tweet message to someone:
My very 1st tweet to a celebrity:
My very 1st retweet:
My very 1st tweet status:
Why even start the year so perfect? How about aim to end it right!?! – Jan 4
And yes I’m one of those lucky peeps to try the New Twitter preview:
Hello new twitter. :D – Sept 28
I’m following 154 people, only 24 people are following me, I only tweeted 777 times… THAT's slow. I should twit MORE!
But first, PLEASE...
But first, PLEASE...
PS: Here are twitter charms to make your twitter experience more charming...
♠ ♣ ♦ ◊ ♥ ❤ ❥ ☻☺☹ ₪ ♀ ♂ ↑ ↓ → ← ↔ ⇑ ⇓ ⇐ Δ £ ¢ € ¥ ♕ ♔ ♘ ♚ ♛ ♞ © ® ™ • ∅ ‹ › « » № ✪ ✹ † ‡ ☠ ☽ ☾ ☪ ☭ ❦ ❧ ♪ ♫ ✡ ☯ ☮ ☸ ¤ ☀ ⊗ ℞ ☁ ☂ ☄ ☑ ☒ ☚ ☛ ☝ ☠ ☥ ☢ ☣ ✓ ✝ ✞
love, now and always,
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